Company secretary

Get Started Now
Pricing Plans
Starting at HK$2,900
Provision of Hong Kong company secretary service
Provision of our name as Company Secretary & basic company secretary service ( which covers one annual return and one statutory filing in respect of shareholder/ director/ address change)
Per-annum - HK$2,900
Provision of registered address & Provision of location of books/ records/ minutes
Per-annum - HK$2,900
Bank account opening if require
Each additional statutory filing in respect of shareholder/ diector/ address change)
One-off - HK$3,000
One-off - HK$500
Share transfer
Other ad-hoc service
One-off - HK$1,000
To be negotialed
Note: Disbursements
Annual Return Fee (to Companies Registry)
Per-Annum HK$105
Hong Kong Company
Basic administrative charge
Per-annum - HK$2,900
Per-annum - HK$2,900
Provision of location of books, records and minutes
Provision of BVI company administrative service
Certificate of Incumbency (document require by the bank)
One off charge - HK$780
Annual Renewal Fee to Agent​
Per-annum - HK$4,680
BVI Company
Starting at HK$2,900
After you fill out this order form, we will contact you as soon as possible.
Stage 1: Fill in the form

What services do you want to order? *
You may select more than one service.
Provision of our name as Company Secretary & basic company secretary service ( which covers one annual return and one statutory filing in respect of shareholder/ director/ address change)
Basic administrative charge
Provision of location of books, records and minutes
Provision of registered address & Provision of location of books/ records/ minutes
Certificate of Incumbency (document require by the bank) One off charge (NovaSage)
Bank account opening if require
Annual Renewal Fee to Agent (NoveSage)
Each additional statutory filing in respect of shareholder/ diector/ address change)
Other ad-hoc service
Share transfer
Other ad-hoc service
Contact information:
Your name​​
Email address
Phone number
Your preferred contact method:
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